Testing My Patience

I used to think that I had a short fuse. In high school it was especially bad. If someone would look at me the wrong way, I would have to confront them about it. I wouldn’t take anything from anyone. Fast forward 7 years later when I became a mother and I can tell you … Continue Reading

Communication Gap

As a mother it takes time to get to know the child you just brought into the world. When they are born, the only way they know how to speak to you is by a cry. Their cry could mean anything really. They could be telling you they are hungry, tired, want a new diaper, … Continue Reading


Although our time before the next baby comes is dwindling down, it seems that things are only getting crazier around here. Since the holidays have ended, we’ve spent most of our time trying to get all of the last minute details ready. All of our procrastinating finally hit us, and we had the scary realization … Continue Reading