I am continuously grateful for everything that this blogging journey has brought both me and my family. When I started blogging I had no idea what it would become. I just wanted to update my family on our life in the city. It really was nothing more than that. Now, nearly three years later it has become much more than that.

This blog has become my outlet. My voice. It’s a place that I can share photos of my family, a platform for me to express my feelings, and most importantly, it’s become a great opportunity for me to meet incredible people. People that I can genuinely call my friends. The relationships that I’ve made through blogging make this entire journey worth more than I ever imagined.

A couple of weeks ago our family got to be a part of an amazing documentary, American Blogger. Chris Wiegand, the film maker behind the documentary, is traveling across the United States in his renovated air stream to interview bloggers and get a look into their lives.

Chris spent a couple of days with our family and getting to know our life in the city. It’s completely different than what he is used to in Texas, but I loved that he was so open to everything and how it has this is our “normal.”


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I am so honored to be a part of American Blogger and I know that it will be a huge success. Chris has so much passion for this film and it was so apparent when we spent our day together. Not only did he reaffirm how amazing blogging and the community behind it is, but he also got to know my family in the process.

He wanted to get to know Harlan and Avery. MacKay and Chris sat and talked for hours about how their lives are so similar yet they live so differently. He also spent the time to teach me the ins and outs of my DSLR camera and a little quick tutorial in photography. It’s the little things that he didn’t have to do on his journey filming, yet did it anyway.

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Thank you, Chris, for allowing me and my family to be a part of your journey.


To follow the #AmericanBlogger journey, follow Chris on Instagram. You can also find more about American Blogger on his wife, Casey’s, blog (who I absolutely adore!) You can learn more about Chris and his film and photography career here. Stay tuned for the film to be released on iTunes later this year!




How exciting! Congratulations. I think you were a fantastic choice to represent NYC and the blogging community here.
Patty recently posted..Wordless Wednesday: Postcard


Thank you Patty!!

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