It’s a question you get several times throughout your childhood, “What do you want to be when you grow up?” I know my answer changed numerous times over the years. It was either a princess (little girl,) pop-star (teenage years,) and my most recent aspiration, a weather girl (college days.) No where on my list of dream jobs did the word “mom” ever come up.

I knew I would always have children, but being a mom was never something I aspired to be when I grew up. I honestly thought that I would have children and still have my “dream job.” Never in my wildest dreams would I have thought that the job I love most requires no resume, has no job manual, and doesn’t even pay.

My “career” started nearly three years ago when I gave birth to Harlan.


To say that I was scared about what this new life would bring me was an understatement. I had babysat over the years, but with babysitting I could always give the kid back, not the case with my own.

As the days turned into weeks and the sleepless nights slowly faded away, I began to fall more and more in love with my new life. I had finally figured out exactly what my purpose in life was.

When we moved to New York City, I got a “promotion.” My teaching days were over and I got to stay at home full time with Harlan. I was so thrilled to be able to stay home with her during the day. No longer did I fear missing those important milestones in her life. I could now experience everything that life had to offer her, with her.

The past two years that I’ve been at the front row, able to watch her grow, have been beyond incredible.


Fast forward two years when we welcomed our second little girl into our lives.

I already knew the feeling that motherhood brought me, but I didn’t know it could be escalated the way that it was. The mix of emotions that I had as I held Avery in my arms was indescribable.

My “work load” got a little bit tougher when Avery was born. I now was solely responsible for not one precious little girls, but two.

By no means do I have this motherhood thing figured out. Every day brings a new challenge and one that I have to learn how to navigate my way through. But through the obstacles, brings on new strength and more love.

As I enjoy my first Mother’s Day as a mom of two beautiful girls, I’m reminded of why all of the stress and anxiety that comes with the job are all worth it.

I don’t need to be a princess, a pop-star, or even a weather girl because no job in the world comes close to being a mom to these two little girls. It’s the best job in the world.

Happy Mother’s Day.

I’m chronicling my adventures on! Check out some of my Babble posts at Baby’s First Year.

Some images via PhotoOp



At first deliver my love toward your angels Avery & Harlan. The beauty of mothering job is that you never think of it but when it comes in light it becomes world’s most precious job. Which you can’t count with money or anything else. Best of luck to you and your daughters.

Thanks for such a lovely post.

Emily Woodhouse recently posted..Tips to Get a Russian Girlfriend or Wife


such a sweet post, happy mother’s day!
Anna recently posted..Old Photo Friday: Happy Mother’s Day!


Being a mother is a tough job. It is actually the toughest job in the world. You have to maintain good relationship with your family, take care of them, provide everything that they need and to show how you love them the most.
This is the sweetest post I’ve ever read. You are so lucky to have two beautiful angels in your life.
Born27 recently posted..Teleconference Equipment


This is definitely the best job in the world.. Being a mom is rewarding especially when our kids grew very cute and lovely..
Annie recently posted..Vacation Traveling


This is so very true and i can readily agree when you said, that you have best job in the world. Thanks you so much for sharing those lovely photos with us and god bless you.
Heidi19 recently posted..Arowana – a prized investment catch or …


Your girls adorable!

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